fredag 25 december 2009

The Prince Super Bowl Halftime Show in 2007

"I do not know which to prefer, the squalling inflections of the "All Along the Watchtower" cover or the rolling innuendos of "Proud Mary." But I am sure that the serendipitous finale amounted to a sublime argument for old-time big-tent network television as the Caribbean drizzle fell from the clouds and we went bathing in "Purple Rain." The greatest halftime show of all time and the most dearly beloved." -- Troy Pattersson, Slate

The 26 top cultural moments [Slate]

måndag 7 december 2009

My Travels With Prince

Sherilyn Fenn från Twin Peaks berättar om sin resa med Prince

Del 1
Del 2

måndag 30 november 2009

måndag 16 november 2009

fredag 13 november 2009

måndag 9 november 2009


Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Träffar Prince

"The last time I picked up the award for 'Relax' was at the BPI Awards in 1985, which later became the Brit Awards, and we got the BBC Radio 1 Listener's Award, even though they weren't able to listen to it. And it was the only award voted by the public. I think we also got best band that year.

"I had to hand out an award to Prince for Best International Act, but I ended up offending Prince. At the time, the Village People had just released a record, and that had been banned, strangely.

"I said, 'I've never met this guy, but we've had sex over the phone.' That was the title of the Village People track, and it was my attempt at humour. But obviously Prince's face on the big screen dropped a million miles, and his big bodyguard came walking towards me. He wasn't best pleased. He felt he'd been treated with utmost disrespect." -- Holly Johnson från Frankie Goes to Hollywood


söndag 8 november 2009

She likes that!

"Mirror, mirror, seventeen-four - who's the sexiest dressed in gold"

Under the Cherry Moon

1987 Won Razzie Award Worst Actor Prince
1987 Won Razzie Award Worst Director Prince
1987 Won Razzie Award Worst Original Song Prince For the song "Love or Money".
1987 Won Razzie Award Worst Picture Robert Cavallo Joseph Ruffalo Steven Fargnoli Tied with Howard the Duck (1986)
1987 Won Razzie Award Worst Supporting Actor Jerome Benton
1987 Nominated Razzie Award Worst New Star Kristin Scott Thomas
1987 Nominated Razzie Award Worst Screenplay Becky Johnston
1987 Nominated Razzie Award Worst Supporting Actress Kristin Scott Thomas

fredag 6 november 2009

Nothing Compares 2 U

"Soon after this exquisitely sad song topped the charts, O'Connor was invited to meet its diminutive author Prince ... to disastrous result. She told the Mirror that their exchange ended with both expletives and punches thrown, and some spittle for good measure. 'All I could do was spit. I spat on him quite a bit,' she admitted. Years later, when fans at a 2005 concert shouted 'Prince!' during an encore, Sinead snapped, 'Fuck that fucking midget!'"

I Hate My Hit! 10 Songs Disowned by the People Who Made Them Famous [Spinner]

Shred that motherf***er

torsdag 5 november 2009

Round and Round

"Things were more efficient when Prince just wrote everybody's songs." – New Yorkers Sasha Frere-Jones

onsdag 4 november 2009

tisdag 27 oktober 2009

torsdag 15 oktober 2009

Rivalitet ända till slutet

"As the production got under way, it quickly became clear that Michael Jackson’s creative ambitions for the [This Is It] concerts were beyond anything he’d ever attempted. With the budget already past $24 million, Jackson told his team he wanted to recreate one of the world’s largest waterfalls on the stage. “I was ready to jump off the balcony of my office,” Phillips says. “We went and met with Michael, and Kenny said, ‘Michael, you’ve got to stop. We’ve got an incredible show, we don’t need any more vignettes.’ Michael said, ‘But Kenny, God channels this through me at night. I can’t sleep because I’m so super-charged.’ Kenny said, ‘But Michael, we have to finish. Can’t God take a vacation?’ Without missing a beat, Michael said, ‘You don’t understand — if I’m not there to receive these ideas, God might give them to Prince.’” [Entertainment Weekly]

onsdag 14 oktober 2009

Lake Minnetonka

"You know how long I've been on ya / Since Prince was on Apollonia." -- Kanye West, "Stronger" (2007)

söndag 11 oktober 2009

Halloween 2009?

via Robyn

torsdag 8 oktober 2009

fredag 2 oktober 2009

lördag 19 september 2009

lördag 5 september 2009

Fuck 'em!

"Dude, fuck those who don't realize how damn badass Prince is. Just fuck 'em. Much like Prince would, if they were attractive females." - Användarnamnet Shakespeare in the Alley på

måndag 31 augusti 2009

Prince onda tvilling Gemini (seriöst)

"DC put out a comic about Prince in 1991 with art by "The Question" penciller Denys Cowan, a cover from "Batman: the Killing Joke" artist Brian Bolland, and a script by Dwayne McDuffie that was so over-the-top that it looped around to become awesome. The plot involves Prince's evil twin, Gemini -- whose music is powered by hatred --r eturning to Minnesota and taking over, leading to a rock-off that involves both a complex death-trap and Prince literally bringing a dead woman back to life with the power of Purple Rain. Also he is compared to Batman. Twice."

9 Terrible Comics Starring Real People (and 4 That Are Actually Awesome) [ComicsAlliance]

fredag 10 juli 2009

Quote of the Day

One night in the mid-1980s, right after a Detroit gig, Prince called up a local DJ known as the Electrifying Mojo to chat on the air. "What's your favorite instrument?" Mojo wanted to know. "You play them all." "Mmm," Prince said. "Stewardesses!"

onsdag 8 juli 2009

måndag 6 juli 2009

Nu vet ni var Kravitz snodde stilen...


Album of the Day: "Graffiti Bridge"

Efter det underskattade soundracket till Batman släppte Prince ytterligare ett soundtrack och denna gång gällde det hans egen uppföljare till multimediasuccén Purple Rain, Graffiti Bridge.
Dock uteblev framgångarna och i ärlighetens namn är detta kanske ingenting som går till historien.
Skivans skiftande kvalitet beror mycket på att den i stort sett är ett urval av gamla outtakes från tidigare skivor.
Prince skrev endast tre nya låtar till albumet (med en liten försmak av hans nya band, New Power Generation, som skulle dyka upp på kommande platta) och en av dem har gått och blivit lite av en redaktionsfavorit.

Här är våra favoriter:

1. "Thieves in the Temple"
2. "Joy in Repetition"
3." The Question of U"

lördag 4 juli 2009

Album of the Day: "Batman"

Efter en serie mer eller mindre experimentella album efter hans enorma framgångar med Purple Rain, och den efterföljande "Princemanian" som rådde i världen, var hans skivbolag Warner Bros. i behov av en liknande succé igen. När Purple Rain släpptes var det en multimedial sensation utan motstycke -- Prince erhöll, för första gången sedan Beatles, förstaplatsen på film-, album- och singellistan samtidigt och formade mycket av den ikoniska bilden vi har av 80-talet idag. Eftersom Warner Bros. hade satsat stora pengar på sin nya serietidningsegendom Batman var de intresserade av en liknande cross-over ännu en gång. Och trots sin dalande succé var Prince artisten de vände sig till. Soundtracket till Batman var givetvis inte den succén de hade hoppats på, men det är en av de albumen i Prince ouvre som är konsekvent mest underskattad, och trots deras stora förväntningar var den en stor succé för både Prince och Tim Burton. Albumet var mer pop än något han gjort sen Purple Rain, och han lyckades även få in en jabb mot sin dåvarande största nemesis, Michael Jackson, genom beatet i "Lemon Crush".

Här är våra tre favoritlåtar från Batman:

1. "Partyman"
2. "Trust"
3. "Electric Chair"

Bonusspår: "Lemon Crush"

Coachella 2008

Prince - Come Together (The Beatles Cover(


fredag 3 juli 2009

Black Sweat (Reprise)

Album of the Day: "Parade"

Prince, oförskräckt av det ljumma mottagandet hans Purple Rain-uppföljare Around the World In A Day fick, blev ännu mer experimentell och psykadelisk med Parade, hans åttonde album i ordningen och ännu ett soundtrack till en medioker film. Det sägs att hans legendariska backupband vid den här tiden, The Revolution, är anledningen till Prince diversifiering på de fyra album han spelade in med dem, och aldrig innan - och tyvärr aldrig igen - spelade Prince med så många olika genrer på ett och samma album. Men det bästa albumet i hans karriär låg just runt hörnet...

Här är våra tre favorilåtar från Parade:

1. "Kiss"
2. "Mountains"
3. "Anotherloverholenyohead"

Bubblare: "Under The Cherry Moon"


The Kid

torsdag 2 juli 2009

"Oh, I could so fall in love with that girl easy"

Did you first think Prince was gay?
Lisa: He was little and kinda prissy and everything. But he’s so not gay.
Wendy: He’s a girl, for sure, but he’s not gay. He looked at me like a gay woman would look at another woman.
Lisa: Totally. He’s like a fancy lesbian.
Wendy: I remember being at that “Sexuality” video shoot and him on stage with that little black jacket and that tie thing around his neck and his black pants with white buttons on the side. And we looked at each other for the first time and I thought, “Oh, I could so fall in love with that girl easy.” It doesn’t matter what sexuality, gender you are. You’re in the room with him and he gives you that look and you’re like, “Okay, I’m done. It’s over.” He’s Casanova. He’s Valentino.


Album of the Day: "Planet Earth"

Vi tar oss raskt vidare i följetongen Dagens album.
Idag hoppar vi ända fram till 2007 då det ganska bleka albumet "Planet Earth" (En titel som Prince senare gjorde anspråk på att äga i en rättegång mot BBC och deras "Planet Earth"-serie) såg dagens ljus.

Bland favoriterna hittar vi här minnen från ett betydligt bättre album som vi snart kommer att ta upp här i Album of the day.

1. Guitar
2. Chelsea Rodgers
3. Mr. Goodnight


Prince - Peach (music video)


Prince, 1977

Sexy M.F.

onsdag 1 juli 2009

Black Sweat

This is it!

Album of the Day: "Prince"

Prince andra skiva, enkelt titulerad "Prince", innehöll mer av den säregna funk som senare skulle dominera på hans nästkommande album, "Dirty Mind". Men cocktailen av disco, funk och R&B på "Prince" var ett lovande steg i rätt riktning och en fortsatt cementering av "The Minneapolis Sound" som nästa år skulle sätta honom på kartan som en världsstjärna av rang.

Här är våra 3 favoritlåtar från albumet:

1. I Wanna Be Your Lover
2. I Feel For You
3. Sexy Dancer


Prince, Live @ Superbowl Halftime Show 2007


tisdag 30 juni 2009

Album of the day: For You

Då sätter vi igång att lista de bästa låtarna på respektive platta. Först ut blir den mediokra debuten For You som dock innehåller några guldkorn:

1. I'm Yours
2. In Love
3. Soft and Wet

Kiss + gitarrskola

Veuillez installer Flash Player pour lire la vidéo

måndag 29 juni 2009

Prince with Miles Davis, Live at Paisley Park 1987

Dirty Mind

James Brown, MJ, Prince


"I can't give U everything U want
But I can take U 2 a restaurant
And if U're not hungry, I'll jack U off"